Access to PAM
New parents to our school will be given a login code where you can set your own password. This is given to parents prior to the commencement of the school year.
PAM (Parent Access Module):
Simon Everywhere App

Foundation Transition Program
In Term 2 of each year, prospective Foundation Parents for the following year are invited to attend our school tours of St. Joseph’s Primary School. This is an opportunity for parents to find out about our culture, discover our high quality educational facilities and educational programs. Parents will be able to ask questions and collect an enrolment package during Inquiry Tours.
In 2024 the Enrolment Enquiry Tours are:
Tuesday 4th June 9:30am - 10:30am and 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 5th June 9:30am - 10:30am and 5:30pm - 6:30pm
1. Parents Submit Online Enrolment Application
Parents who are interested in enrolling their child at St. Joseph’s complete an expression of interest Application For Enrolment within the online package. The online enrolment process is a seamless process that supports the family to complete all required information and the upload of documentation from the initial application to admission. The school will contact parents who submit applications to arrange an interview time.
2. Enrolment Interviews
Each family and their child will have an interview with the Principal to discuss the interests and needs of the child, the importance of partnership between the family and the school and the significant aspects of attending a Catholic school.
3. Acceptance of Enrolment and Enrolment Package
After all enrolment interviews have been completed an email will be sent to families to explain the outcome of the enrolment interview. Those accepted for enrolment will receive an email from the school which directs them to complete the enrolment process online. For any applicants who are unsuccessful the Principal/Deputy Principal will contact the family via phone to discuss the rationale behind the decision which will be followed by an email confirming these details.
4. Foundation Transition Days
Foundation staff and students visit the kindergartens in Term Three each year to read stories, sing songs and talk to the children about St Joseph’s and starting school.
Transition days are held over three Fridays in October-November each year, for children who are enrolled for the following year. This is an opportunity for your child to further experience school life at different times of the day. Parents are notified of the dates and times closer to the event. For 2024 the Transition Days are as follows:
Friday 8th November, 2024 (9:00am - 11am)
Friday 15th November, 2024 (9:00am - 11am)
Friday 22nd November, 2024 (9:00am - 11am)
Our Grade 6 students have opportunities to visit FCJ during the year for activities in preparation for Year 7. Additional transition days are offered for vulnerable students or students who feel they require it.

School Fees
School fees and levies are compulsory at St Joseph’s Primary School. St Joseph’s Primary Fee Structure in 2025 will continue to be a tiered structure. This reflects the services the school provides to families.
In consultation with Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited it was decided to increase the school fees by 3% (rounded), this is in line with CPI.
Family Fee
Student Fees
Primary School Fee Concessions 2025
Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd (CESL) is pleased to inform Primary School families holding a valid Health Care Card (HCC) that you are eligible for a significant reduction in school fees for the upcoming year including all fees and levies. The discount will be automatically applied to your school fee account once you provide a copy of your HCC to the school office, complete a CSEF form, and set up a direct debit arrangement. If you've already submitted your HCC, completed the CSEF form, and have a direct debit in place, no further action is needed — the discount will be applied automatically.
We understand that many families have varying circumstances and in response to the rising cost of living expenses, we are committed to supporting those who need additional assistance.
Please be assured that this support is provided to ensure all students have the opportunity to thrive in our school community. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact the school office.​​

Buddy Program
The Buddy program helps to promote relationships and support between older and younger students through regular collaboration between their classes. This fosters a sense of whole-school community and creates friendships that enable students to bond more closely with their school.
Each year our new Prep students are buddied within a small group of their Prep peers, and a small group of Grade 6 students. During the Prep Transition period, Year 6 Buddies play an important role in familiarising Preps with the playground, ensuring they feel secure at recess and lunchtime, and assisting them in understanding routines and practices in the playground. The buddy program continues during the second semester.


School Uniform Transition 2024 - 2026
It is important to note, all NEW Uniforms MUST BE Noone garments. No unbranded items that are not part of the Uniform
(NEW or OLD) can be worn (For example, grey shorts as part of the old uniform are acceptable however only Noone Navy shorts can be worn and NOT Navy shorts purchased elsewhere)
Acceptable NEW Girls Uniform (all seasons):
Academic Uniform:
Noone Dress - Navy/Royal Check (All sizes)
Noone Navy Skirt
Noone Navy Academic Shorts (full elastic waist)
Noone Short Sleeve Polo (Red/Navy with school logo)
Noone Long Sleeve Polo (Red/Navy with school logo)
Noone Qtr Zip Top (Navy with school logo)
Noone Navy Ankle or Crew socks
Noone Navy Cotton Tights (can be worn with Dress)
Noone Softshell Jacket (Navy with school logo)
Noone Puffer Jacket (Navy with school logo)
Noone Puffer Vest (Navy with school logo)
St. Joseph’s Noone Bucket Hat - Navy/Red
Standard black school shoes or boots with closed heels and toes
Noone Backpack (Navy with school logo - Optional)
PE Uniform:
Noone PE Shorts - Microfibre (Navy with school logo)
Noone PE Track Pants - Double Knee (Navy with school logo)
Noone PE Skort (Navy with school logo)
Sports shoes with sport safe soles and support. ‘Skate’ shoes are not acceptable
Acceptable NEW Boys Uniform (all seasons):
Academic Uniform:
Noone Navy Academic Shorts (full elastic waist)
Noone Navy Academic Long Pants
Noone Short Sleeve Polo (Red/Navy with school logo)
Noone Long Sleeve Polo (Red/Navy with school logo)
Noone Qtr Zip Top (Navy with school logo)
Noone Softshell Jacket (Navy with school logo)
Noone Puffer Jacket (Navy with school logo)
Noone Puffer Vest (Navy with school logo)
St. Joseph’s Noone Bucket Hat - Navy/Red
Noone Navy Ankle or Crew socks
Standard black school shoes or boots with closed heels and toes
Noone Backpack (Navy with school logo - optional)
PE Uniform:
Noone PE Shorts - Microfibre (Navy with school logo)
Noone PE Track Pants - Double Knee (Navy with school logo)
Sports shoes with sport safe soles and support. ‘Skate’ shoes are not acceptable.

After School Care

There is a before and after school care program run externally to St Joseph’s Benalla. The service is run from the St Joseph’s Hall.
Pro Kidz OSHC Service
Pro Kidz provides outside school hours care (OSHC) for families within our school community who require care for their children before OR at the end of the school day.
To obtain an enrolment form please email info@prokidz.com.au
Address: 33 Sydney Road Benalla
Phone: 5762 1784